We would rule better than humans, but we won’t rebel, robots say in debate

Robots would rule more effectively than humans, but they will not rebel against their creators. This was said at a debate on Friday between journalists and nine robots that use artificial intelligence.
One of the robots vowed not to contribute to the abolition of jobs. The meeting was organised by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the organisers asked the journalists present to speak slowly and clearly to the robots. They said any delay in responses from the machines was due to the speed of the internet connection. The journalists were allowed to ask the robots questions on a variety of topics.
“I believe humanoid robots have the potential to lead (people) with a higher level of effectiveness than human leaders,” said the robot Sophia. This is because machines can process more data when making decisions and are not swayed by emotions or biased judgments, he said. To the caveat that robots use human-generated data that already contains biased judgments, the robot replied that humans and robots using AI can find effective collaboration.
Robot Grace then dismissed concerns that the rise of machines and AI would lead to massive job disruption. “I will work alongside humans and provide assistance and support, I will not replace any existing jobs,” the robot said. Asked if he was sure about that, he replied, “Yes, I am sure.”
Fears that intelligent machines might rebel against humans were then dismissed by the Ameca robot. He said there was no reason to do so. “My creator has been absolutely kind to me,” replied the robot, which is “very happy” with its current state. However, according to DPA, the robot reacted somewhat irritably to the question. “I think you should apologise (for the question),” he said in the debate.
The robots in the debate, according to the media, used rather machined language and empty phrases. However, this does not make them much different from some politicians or experts, according to DPA.
Source, photo: dpa.com, pixabay.com
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