Elvis Presley helped a blind girl see again, touching feats of a legend

It was July 20, 1975, and Elvis Presley was performing in concert. During a break between songs, he was handing out scarves to fans and joking around when he noticed a little girl on the left side of the stage. He approached her, got down on one knee and gently took her hands. He soon realized she was blind.
Elvis talked to her quietly for a while, holding her hands, and the audience couldn’t hear their conversation because he kept the microphone away from his mouth. Then he kissed his scarf, touched her eyes lightly and finally put it gently to her cheek. The girl stood still, accepting his gesture with confidence. She had not seen since birth. After the concert, Elvis approached the girl’s mother and decided to help her. He paid for an operation to restore her sight. The miracle actually happened – the surgery was successful and the girl was able to see the world around her for the first time in her life.
Today, almost fifty years after that event, she is a talented computer graphic designer. Elvis Presley was not only a musical icon, but also a man with a big heart who did not hesitate to help those in need.
Photo source: www.pexels.com
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