Antimatter Games, the developers of IGI Origins, will close its doors this summer

Enad Global 7 has announced that it will be shutting down the Antimatter Games development studio over the summer. It is behind the multiplayer action game Rising Storm and the development of the prequel to the cult stealth action game Project IGI with the Origins moniker. The decision is purely strategic, as running the studio was obviously not paying off for the parent company.
According to Enad Global 7, the goal is to save money and increase profitability. The company had several scenarios to consider, but in the end the most logical choice was to end the studio’s funding altogether. It is expected to stop operating permanently during the summer and the operator expects to save up to SEK 50 million annually, roughly CZK 102 million.
The development of the current IGI Origins project was reportedly not on track, but what will happen to it next remains a question. According to the press release, the managers were trying to figure out how to improve the financial situation. Options in play included turning Antimatter Games into a support studio that could be hired by other companies, or the possibility of a publishing deal for the IGI brand. However, these ideas were ultimately not implemented.
Eurogamer magazine reminds us that this is yet another case of significant investigation across the games industry. EA, CD Projekt, Ubisoft and indie team Brace Yourself Games, for example, have all cut staff and investment in this way.
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