After a popular video, TikTok donated over $100,000 for an 82-year-old Walmart employee

30. 12. 2022 | Itech9642

The veteran of the United States Navy may now finally retire. Another senior Walmart employee’s life has been radically transformed when TikTok users contributed over $100,000 for them to retire. A Walmart cashier in his 80s, one of thousands of Americans compelled to labor into old age, has been able to retire as a result of a communal act of goodwill.

Warren “Butch” Marion, 82, a US Navy veteran from Maryland, received a check for more than $100,000 after a Roy McCarty, arranged an internet collection. McCarty met Marion while producing a video for his Bug Boys local eradication firm, which has a large Tik Tok following. Last month, he encouraged his Twitter followers to consider giving to a GoFundMe fundraising, and he quickly surpassed his financing goal.

“I was shocked to see this small elderly man still grinding. Working 8 to 9 hour shifts,” McCarty stated on the GoFundMe page. He claimed he was inspired by earlier social media fundraisers to assist elderly people retire, and wanted Marion to be able to visit his children in Florida and stay “off his feet for eight hours at a time”.

“Wow,” Marion said as she saw the money. “All I can tell you is that the Good Lord has blessed me for what I accomplished in my earlier years,” he told and adding that he planned to use the money to pay off his house and retire from Walmart. Many Americans find it difficult to save enough money for retirement. According to the Federal Reserve, “one-quarter of the non-retired state that they have no retirement savings or pension whatsoever”.

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Author of this article


Since 2019, he has been writing for ObjevIT about technology, business and finance.


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