Two hostile players, Pirrit and Bundlor, have emerged in the digital world, targeting in particular computers running Apple's macOS operating system. They have recently been joined in the Czech Republic and Slovakia by the MaxOfferDeal adware, as warned by security experts at Eset. Pirrit, the long-time king of viruses, saw a significant increas...
The digital wallets hacked belonged to the Military Intelligence Service (GRU), the External Intelligence Service (SVR) and the Federal Security Service (FSB). He could have either infiltrated their hacking team or been part of it. According to The New Voice of Ukraine, a hacker gained access to the Russian security services' bitcoin. Analyst...
Elon Musk has shut down the team that was controlling content and blocking troll activity. Now accounts from Russia and China have been given the green light. The team worked to combat "information operations," coordinated campaigns by countries like Russia, China and Iran to influence public opinion and disrupt democracy. But experts and for...